What to Expect When You’re Expecting

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting
02 Jun 2016
by Heidi Murkoff (Author)

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting

02 Jun 2016

by Heidi Murkoff

  • Publisher : Simon & Schuster, Limited
  • Language : English
  • Pages : 656
  • ISBN-10 : ?1471147533
  • ISBN-13 : 9781471147531

With 18.5 million copies in print, What to Expect When You’re Expecting is read by 93% of women who read a pregnancy book and was named one of the ‘Most Influential Books of the Last 25 Years’ by USA Today.      This cover-to-cover (including the cover!) new edition is filled with must-have information, advice, insight, and tips for a new generation of mums and dads. With What to Expect’s trademark warmth, empathy, and humour, it answers every conceivable question expectant parents could have, including dozens of new ones based on the ever-changing pregnancy and birthing practices and choices they face. Advice for dads is fully integrated throughout the book. All medical coverage is completely updated, including the latest on prenatal screening and the safety of medications during pregnancy, as well as a brand-new section on postpartum birth control. Current lifestyle trends are incorporated, too: juice bars, raw diets, e-cigarettes, push presents, baby bump posting, the lowdown on omega-3 fatty acids, grass-fed and organic, health food fads, and GMOs. Plus expanded coverage of IVF pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, breastfeeding while pregnant, water and home births, and cesarean trends (including VBACs and ‘gentle cesareans’).

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3.8 rating based on 58,872 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1471147533
ISBN-13: 9781471147531
Goodreads: 31300340

Published: //

America's Pregnancy Bible

Your pregnancy explained, your pregnancy questions answered, your pregnant body demystified, head (what to do about those headaches) to feet (why they're so swollen), back (how to stop it from aching) to front (why you can't tell a baby by Mom's bump).

The best just got better

Expect the best yet! This comprehensive book is filled with must-have information, practical advice, realistic insight, easy-to-use tips, and lots of reassurance. You'll find the very latest on prenatal screenings, which medications arte safe, and the most current birthing options—from water birth to gentle c-sections. Your pregnancy lifestyle gets equal attention, too: eating (including food trends) to coffee drinking, working out (and work) to sex, travel to beauty, skin care, and more. Have pregnancy symptoms?—You will—and you-ll find solutions for them all. Expecting multiples? There's a chapter for you. Expecting to become a Dad? This book has you covered, too.

Answers to All Your Pregnancy Questions
- "When can I take a home pregnancy test?"
- "How can I eat for two if I'm too queasy to eat for one?"
- "Can I keep up my spinning classes?"
- "Is fish safe to eat? And what's this I hear about soft cheese?"
- "Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job?"
- "I'm blotchy and broken out—where's the glow?"
- "Should we do a gender reveal? A 4D ultrasound?"
- "Will I know labor when I feel it?"

All this in more, in this comprehensive pregnancy bible that every soon-to-be mother should have!

Additional information

Weight 1.058219 kg
Dimensions 37.099926 × 4.299991 × 16.999966 cm

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