If you have a valid promotional code that you would like to apply to your order, enter it in the box provided on the basket and press ‘Add’ to confirm.
If your promotional code is not accepted, please ensure that you have entered the code exactly as it appears on the offer letter or advertisement. Most promotion codes are advertised with an expiry date, so please ensure that the code is still valid. Some promotion codes cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions you have already claimed.
If the code was accepted, but you are not seeing the promotion applied, please check the details of the promotion, as you may have to spend a certain amount before you are eligible for some delivery or free gift promotions. If you have found a promotional code on a discount code website, you may not have been given the correct qualifying information (e.g. the offer may only apply to certain products or over a specific total order value).
Free Gifts
If you are entitled to a free gift as part of a promotion we are running, it will automatically be added to your basket once you qualify. We will occasionally offer several free gifts for you to choose from. In this case, once you have qualified for the promotion, you will be presented with a page in the Basket enabling you to make your selection.